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about us | FAQs

What is the philosophy of your program?

We believe that learning disabilities and ADHD are simply ‘differences’ in how children process information. These differences sometimes make it difficult for them to learn by traditional instructional methods. Learning strengths and areas for growth vary from child to child. We believe that individualized instruction is the most effective way to maximize each child’s strengths, while also addressing their areas for growth.

What types of children do you have at The John Crosland School?

Our students have mild to moderate learning disabilities.  The admissions policy is fairly broad and involves an in-depth examination of a wide range of criteria.  The John Crosland School does not accept students with emotional behavioral disorders.

What is a good resource for families trying to educate themselves on learning differences?

We encourage families to visit as a comprehensive site for parents, children, and educators while exploring resources.

What types of children are served well at The John Crosland School?

Our students are bright and we captive on their strengths to help them succeed. Our students have a variety of diagnosis and profiles. Many of our students have mild to moderate learning disabilities; however, others just need support for ADHD and Executive Functioning weaknesses. Profiles include receptive/expressive language disorder, dyslexia, dyscalculia, executive dysfunction, auditory processing disorder and/or attention deficit disorder, high functioning autism or some combination of these. We are not a therapeutic school, and we do not have specialized programs primarily for behavioral/psychiatric diagnosis. The John Crosland School may not be the right fit for every student and does not accept students with emotional and/or behavioral disorders.

Do you serve students on the Autism Spectrum?

Students at Crosland on the Autism Spectrum are expected to function well in groups, think flexibly, and communicate independently. We have highly creative and successful students on the spectrum that we challenge and support. We embrace and utilize Social Thinking, sensory integration, and multisensory techniques. The admissions policy is fairly broad and involves an in-depth examination of a wide range of criteria.

What are the qualifications of your teachers?

All teachers at Crosland are highly trained to teach children with learning disabilities.  Crosland requires that all teachers pursue opportunities for continued education.  Additionally, Crosland provides annual professional development for teachers.  Teachers at Crosland continuously hone their teaching skills by studying the latest educational trends, techniques and curricular advancements.  Many Crosland teachers possess Master’s Degrees.

How long do students stay at The John Crosland School?

Every child is unique. Some families stay with us for a 3-4 years and then transition to another school after learning strategies and addressing areas needing remediation. Other families choose for their child to stay through graduationWe work with each family as they consider the growth of their child and make decisions about the next steps for their child’s education. 

Can students with learning differences go to college?

Yes! For the past few years, all our seniors have been accepted to college! Students with learning differences can attend and succeed in universities or community colleges. In fact, many programs exist to provide extended support that mirrors the services students have received at JCS. With a push to actively recruit neurodivergent individuals into today’s workforce, colleges and universities are also seeking our students’ creative strengths. Crosland’s counseling support allows students to explore their strengths, attend college fairs, and participate in life skills courses to equip them for life after Crosland

We celebrate and embrace every child’s unique needs when it comes to education. We would love to speak with you more about your child and find out if the Crosland School is the right choice for you and your family!