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academics | how to help

As a Parent, You Have an Important
Role in Your Child’s Success

We know that the health and well-being of your child is your top priority. In order to make sure your child is happy and successful in their day-to-day life we encourage families to recognize when their child might be asking for help. Watch as our Head of School discusses some of the signs that your child needs an alternative way of learning.

Ways to Help Your Child in
the Lower and Middle Schools

1 Send your students to school ready to learn

2 Encourage your student to get plenty of sleep, eat a healthy breakfast, and organize their items before arrival

3 Do your best to have your child arrive on time every day

4 Support homework expectations by checking your child’s agenda

5 Support homework expectations by using our online portal to check grades and view upcoming assignments with your child

6 Attend Curriculum/Technology Night as well as Crosland’s parent teacher conferences (also known as EMPs)

7 Practice organizational skills at home, as executive functioning will be emphasized greatly at school

8 Get involved and encourage your student to do the same

9 Make time to talk about school

Ways to Help Your Child in
the Upper School

1 Push your child to start preparing early

2 Tell him/her to go to college websites and get informations

3 Take your child to visit different colleges

4 Encourage extra studying of vocabulary to prepare for standardized tests

5 Consider how to balance academically challenging classes with less rigorous electives

6 Make sure your child attends school regularly and takes their academics seriously

7 When entering Upper School be sure to update your child’s psychological-educational evaluation to ensure they receive accommodations for standardized testing.

8 Discuss post-secondary goals with your student and contact administrators to schedule a time to discuss the “best fit” for your child.

We celebrate and embrace every child’s unique needs when it comes to education. We would love to speak with you more about your child and find out if the Crosland School is the right choice for you and your family!